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The Encounter (The Travels to Eilean Saga Book 1)



When Luna goes to spend the summer with her aunt Emma, she discovers that her aunt is a witch with real powers, a descendant of a long line of witches that goes back for centuries. 
Emma confesses that for weeks she has felt somebody trying to get into her mind to read her thoughts. Despite having used her most powerful spells against this being, she has not managed to get rid of it. 
A story of magic and witchcraft, parallel worlds, adventures and romance... Follow Luna into a world of dragons and hippogryphs, elves and dryads, powerful wizards and dangerous sorcerers. Do you dare to accompany her on her trip to Eilean?

The Book of Shadows (The Travels to Eilean Saga 2)



Emma wakes up in Eilean, injured and confused. There, they tell her that she is not the chosen one that they were waiting for and that she must help them to find her among the women of her family so that they can save the magic in Eilean. However, Emma begins to suspect that the intentions of the people who have lured her to that strange world are much darker than they first appear. 

Meanwhile, in Madrid, Luna discovers, under the promise she had written, four new words, written in Emma's handwriting, that will turn her world upside down: "I'm not dead".

Towards a New World (The Travels to Eilean Saga Book 3)



Once she had discovered that her aunt Emma was being held prisoner in a parallel world, Luna decides to find the ritual that will help her to get there and rescue her from the claws of her captors. 
Meanwhile in Eilean, Emma stays true to her promise of not giving any details about the women in her family to Aradia and her henchmen, despite all of the tricks and tortures they put her through. However, the queen of witches’ patience is coming to an end...

The rescue (The Travels to Eilean Saga Book 4)



Luna has managed to cross over to Eilean to rescue Emma, but everyone keeps telling her that her aunt is on the other side of a sea of fog that is impossible to cross. 
However, Deneb´s arrival, an ambassador who has just arrived from the other side of the barrier, makes Luna think that her plans of rescuing her aunt may be possible after all. 
A story of magic and witchcraft, parallel worlds, adventures and romance... Follow Luna into a world of dragons and hippogryphs, elves and dryads, powerful wizards and dangerous sorcerers. Do you dare to accompany her on her trip to Eilean?

Hugos journey between two worlds.



Hugo Sada decides to take a trip to New York to visit a friend who lives in Manhattan. 
During the flight, he feels the need to visit the restroom. When he leaves the cubicle, he finds himself in a very unusual situation, he is the only passenger on a plane that had been full minutes before. From there, he finds himself immersed in a series of mysterious events that he must follow to find out what has happened to him.

Ewan Scott Magic Treasure Island



Ewan Scott is an American surfer boy with a love for adventure novels. So when his parents give him a new book for his birthday, Ewan is very excited and cannot wait to read it. 
When he opens the book, he finds that he cannot read it as the book seems to change constantly. Little does he know, the book is magical and his fate is tied to the story and the characters hidden within its pages. 


Fallen Heroes: The Lives of Galileo, Michael Angelo and Gutenberg



Historical novel. The biographies of the Astronomer Glaileo Galilei, the Artist Michael Angelo and the Inventor of the printer Gutenberg. A story of their respective lives.

Predictive Astrology, a new discovery in the transits reading



Antares Stanislas does not only give courses, astrology consultations and card readings, but also, in the past years, has dedicate himself to the investigation of new reading methods, which he has wrote about in several publications. In this text, the author introduces his new investigation and the inherent discovery of predictive astrology. A new method of astrological analysis with the aim of adding this to the unequivocal method of traditional astrological prediction. The methodological aim of the author is to give another tool to astrologists to help them carry out their predictions correctly. The method is described in a simple manner and illustrated with 26 real graphs and requires the reader to have basic knowledge of astrology.  Antares Stanislas Site:


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